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Image courtesy: Saule Bapanova

Saule Bapanova

Saule Bapanova was born in 1956 in Kzil-Orda region. In 1976 she finished the Art School of Almaty. In 1981 she was graduated from the Moscow Art and Industrial College. Since 1981 Alibay Bapanov and Saule Bapanova have been members of the Artists Union of Kazakhstan. They took part in republican, All-Union and international exhibitions. Bapanovs’ works are found in State Museums of Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, China, Turkey, Poland, Denmark. Selected works are now in private collections in Almaty, Kazakhstan, […]

Image courtesy: Askhat Akhmedyarov

Askhat Akhmedyarov

Askhat Akhmedyarov is a Kazakh artist born in 1965 in the Ural region, and currently based in Almaty. He graduated from an art college in Shymkent, studying under the founders of Kyzyl Tractor art group Vitaly Simakov and Moldakul Narymbetov. He participated in several exhibitions of the Shymkent Trans Avant-garde group, but later steered away from the collective and moved to Astana to develop his solo practice. In his artistic practice he uses a variety of different techniques including painting, […]

Image courtesy: Umida Akhmedova

Umida Akhmedova

Umida Akhmedova, a photographer and a filmmaker, was born in 1955 in Tashkent. Since 1980, she has worked as an assistant camera-person in a scientific and documentary films studio in Uzbekistan. In 1986, Akhmedova graduated from the Soviet State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow. After graduation, she started her career as a camerawoman and a filmmaker, and produced dozens of documentary films. Simultaneously, she never parts with her photo camera and often participates in organising different photo exhibitions. Since 2001, […]

Image courtesy: 705 Group


705 is an art collective established in Bishkek in 2005, working mainly with street performances. In 2014,705 formed an art platform where various artistic activities, such as experimental plays, lectures, exhibitions, animation courses and workshops, took place. 705 has also become part of Arts Collaboratory’s network starting from 2014. Since 2020, 705 has appeared as a platform for various collaborations between artists and theater makers in Bishkek.

Sudō Reiko

Sudō Reiko is the design director of the internationally renowned Nuno Corporation in Tokyo. Experimenting with various materials from silk to metal, she has been concerned with the recycling and upcycling of textiles and the environmental effect of textile production.

Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)

As a diversified social service organisation, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) has an annual service attendance exceeding 3 million. To fulfil the purpose of ‘Enhancement of Life’, their elderly services serve all, from frail elders who need nursing care, to healthy young olds who seek rewarding retirement. Since 2003, YWCA has been providing continuing education for elderly, to promote active ageing and explore possibilities for the Third Age, while passing wisdom and inspiring experience to the next generation.

Milk Design

Milk Design is a design unit specialised in product design. Its design thinking focuses on studying and exploring how tradition and culture can be interpreted and presented in a modern way, to bring new experience and satisfaction to people today.

Image courtesy: Africa Center Hong Kong

Africa Center Hong Kong

Africa Center Hong Kong Africa Center Hong Kong is a platform and creative hub that fosters value-creating interactions between African and non-African communities in Asia. Their products and services focus on bridging cultural differences and therefore fostering relations and cultural understandings between communities. They are also a social enterprise that understands the need for community representations and diverse experiences thus trying to fulfill those needs through great products and services with a broader long term view and a firm emphasis […]

Image courtesy: Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)

Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)

Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) was established in 2007 and is a member of the VTC Group. As a leading provider of design education and lifelong learning, including architecture, interior and product design, communication design, digital media, and fashion and image design, it promotes the ‘think and do’ approach and encourages interdisciplinary synergy in its broad range of design programmes that cultivates students’ cultural sensitivities and sense of sustainability. HKDI maintains a strong network with the industry and provides its […]

Photo: Tamura Kosuke

Sudō Reiko

Sudō Reiko is the design director of internationally renowned Nuno Corporation in Tokyo. Experimenting with various materials from silk to metal, she has been concerned with the recycling and upcycling of textiles and the environmental effect of textile production.


Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.