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Marat Dilman

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Image courtesy: Marat Dilman

Born in 1990, Marat Dilman is an artist whose work explores visual codes and patterns in relation to the nation-building processes he witnessed growing up in newly independent Kazakhstan. Dilman produces around 6 artworks per year, each with meticulous attention to detail and occasional digital image manipulation. His work is heavily concerned with how technology intervenes with the pre-modernistic archetypes such as ornaments, yurts, traditional clothing and elements of architecture. Vivid colours so common to Dilman’s visual language connect these long-lasting narratives with the presence of symbolic elements of modern-day urban anti-utopias: plastic, security cameras, robots.

Dilman’s recent exhibitions include The Eurasian Utopia: Post Scriptum  at Suwon IPark Museum of Art, South Korea (2018), Astana Art Show in Astana, Kazakhstan (2017), and group exhibition Act of Creation  within the framework of ARTBAT FEST  in Almaty, Kazakhstan (2017). Dilman was a winner of the Halyk Art Prize in 2019.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.