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Kang Ya-Chu

Residency Period
Sep–Dec 2019

Kang Ya-Chu, born and based in Taipei, has been exploring in her art practices the issues of identity, the relationship between human and nature and the social environment through an extensive range of medium including mixed media sculpture, site-specific installation, land art, video, drawing, photograph, textile research and collaboration. Drawing inspirations from her travel and residency experiences in many cities from India and Istanbul to Portugal and UK, Kang’s works often build upon global weaving histories and reflect themes of boundary and binary opposites through the medium of textile. Her creative processes include embracing accidents, mutations and accretions of surface and detail with time, accepting that nature will have its way, with changeable, variable, transient and fluid mediums such as plants, sun, salt and water, and consider the possibility of environmentally sustainable development.

Selected Solo Exhibitions

In Transit – Two Person Solo Exhibition, Taipei Artist Village Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

Good Day – Paper Issue, 32 Issue Art Space, Tainan, Taiwan

Selected Residencies

Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art- TAV AIR Exchange Program, Manchester, UK
Contextile – Contemporary Textile Art Biennial – AIR Project, Guimarães, Portugal

Koganecho Area Management Center, Yokohama, Japan

Sipna Walk Art Residency Project, Melgath tribal area, Paratwada, Maharashtra, India
Global Nomadic Art Project- Nature Renaissance, Gujarat, India
Äkkigalleria Residency Project, Jyväskylä, Finland

Silpakorn Art Lab Residency Project, Nakorn Pathom Province, Thailand
International Art and Design Workshop, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Selected Group Exhibitions

Manchester Science Festival, Science and Industry Museum, Manchester, UK
China Changing Festival, Southbank Center, London, UK

Human Ecology & Art- 3rd Multidisciplinary Art Exhibition, Chittagong, Bangladesh
The Flying Land, Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives, Hague, Netherlands
ECO-Sublime-International Paper Fibre Art Biennial, NTCRI, Caotun, Taiwan
OFF-SITE Istanbul Project, Apartment Project-Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Nakanojo Biennale – 6th Nakanojo International Contemporary Art Festival, Kuni-Akaiwa, Japan
Still On My Mind, Bangkok Art Culture Center, Bangkok, Thailand

Life of the Asia, Koganecho Area Management Center, Yokohama, Japan
15th International Triennial of Tapestry, Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź, Poland


Textile Map 3, Garden City Publisher, May 2019, Taiwan
Textile Map 2, Garden City Publisher, April 2016, Taiwan
Textile Map, Garden City Publisher, Feb 2015, Taiwan

Related Events

Dirt Carpet #8 (Hong Kong)
Date: 27.10.2019

Screening & Discussion: The Coming Through
Date: 02.11-03.11.2019

Open Studio: Cotton Dreams
Date: 24.11-15.12.2019


Dirt Carpet #7 (Manchester), Kang Ya-Chu, 2018
Charcoal, paper

Chapter II – Manchester, Kang Ya-Chu, 2018
Cotton, cotton cloth, thread, photography, bank note, chew toy, charcoal, paper, mixed media
Dimensions Variable

Chapter I – Everything about Cotton is about Cotton, Kang Ya-Chu, 2018
Cotton, cotton cloth, thread, photography, audio, readymade objects, mixed mediums
Dimensions Variable